Power BI

Power BI is a self-service tool that provides an environment for managing, accessing, visualizing, analyzing and sharing business data. Power BI is becoming a common tool in today’s business environment and used by data scientist, data analyst, functional department, BI professionals and decision maker.

In the business environment management teams, business executives, departments heads, business representatives, and decision-makers use power BI to develop reports, and make predictions that improves sales and marketing strategies of the organization

Power BI is one of the most common business intelligence tools in the world, that can used by people from non-analytical backgrounds to create business reports.

Our trainings are structured to meet the demands of our learners, we provide training guidelines, case studies, and on demands live projects are integrated in our trainings.  We have qualified trainers, with years of experience

Microsoft Excel

Excel is one of the most widely used spreadsheet software on planet earth, and one of the most undermined tools used today. Excel is one of the few tools that can perform any numerical calculations.

And most users of Excel only scratch the surface of its capability, Excel’s versatility has made it very appealing to  as one of the go to tools today in the business world.

We provide extensive trainings, that covers the length and breadth of what you can achieve in Excel. Our trainings range from in-depth analysis, to creating effective dashboards, to automations, financial modelling, data modelling, and using advanced functions that will enhance business productivity.

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is one of the applications in Microsoft office suite, and can be used to design a database, organize, store, and retrieve data. Microsoft Access is used to manage large organizations records and create professionally designed reports. This training will expose you to the world of database, and how you can effectively design and manage any kind of database.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool developed by google and performs better than some paid tools. Google Analytics plays an important role in social media marketing, digital marketing, and business intelligence. Google analytics allows you to measure the performance of your campaign, understand visitors demography, identify visitors searches, visualize visitors clicks, identify top content, understand user behavior, and many more. We provide extensive trainings that covers every aspect of google analytics.


Tableau is one of the Leading business intelligence tools (BI) used in analyzing business data. Tableau has been developed for business analyst, data scientist, data analyst, and BI analyst who wants to explore, see, and understand their data.

Tableau software has many functionalities that can used by anybody irrespective of the professions, for data analyst it’s a tool for performing advanced analytics and building rich interactive visualizations

Our approach to training is to leave no stone unturned, we take it from the basic to the more advanced features of tableau. We provide guidelines, case studies, training document, and projects by creating an experience to our learners.


SQL (Structured Query Language) has been developed to access the database. SQL is one of the building blocks of the database, which also provides structure for the database. SQL is supported in many business applications as they contain an underlying database used in accessing the data.

SQL is written to manipulate data, access data, store data, and provides unfettered access to business data. The foundational knowledge of SQL is required as a skill requirement for data professionals, and businesspeople who work regularly with data.

Our trainings cover every aspect of SQL and its application, we not only train we expose you completely to the world of database, and how it is applied in the real world.


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