
Meeting the needs of Unemployment through Training

BIguided is a training and consulting platform that bridges the gap between getting the required skillsets and securing Job roles in business intelligence and data analytics.

Oftentimes, candidates sign up for courses, and discover that they have wasted their time with no  clear indication that they have gotten value, or skills required to equip them for the Job markets.

Trainings should be structured and designed with a clear objective in mind – to meet the training needs of the candidate. The evidence that you are hands on in any subject area is when you evaluate yourself at the end of each training. IT trainings should go beyond gaining knowledge, there should be guidelines on how to practically apply such in any business environment.

Our strategy and approach to training is to ensure that we provide a learning environment where candidates are equipped with needed resources to get the best from any our training.

Employers who are always scouting for employees are looking for the most suitable candidate to fit certain roles in their organization. Most times the only way this can be validated is when employee showcase what he has done in the past. HR personnel, line of business manager are looking for candidates with prior experience that can easily integrate themselves into any system. It’s a no brainer that experience which involves skills, knowledge, and expertise is more appealing to any recruiter, than candidates with no prior experience.

 Employers are more concerned about showing proof and evidence that you can deliver on the Job. The very important point about training is that it should be less technical, and more practical as it makes learning stimulating and much more realistic.

Few years ago, organizations where specific about Job seekers to have at least a first degree before given a chance to get a spot in their company. In more recent time, the requirement for getting a role is skills and experienced based. The advantage of getting experience in IT roles cannot be overemphasized. It is completely disappointing when people pay an arm and leg to acquire training, and unfortunately cannot secure the desired roles.

Our approach to training is to create an enabling environment, where candidates have a feel of the business environment, and  connect with possible roles in the business. Once training is concluded, there should be direction to career path, so they don’t become a lost fish in a deep ocean. Proper guidance should be available  which should come in the form of mentoring so that candidates are on the right track, and training can be effective.

According to Jefferson, Pollock, and Wick the six discipline of Breakthrough learning, looks at how to get better result which laid emphasis on the 6 D’s of training that lesson learnt from successful managers is that 70% percent are gotten from tough Job, 20% from people, and 10% from others this shows that  experience is a key factor in securing a role in today’s organization.

Training should always go beyond learning , but it should emphasize more on performance needed to make them successful in their respective job role. The critical success factor to training, should be gaining employment, or ability to compete favorably in the industry. Getting skills and knowledge through training is appreciated, but the hallmark of any training is to secure a job role either as an employee or as a consultant. The value of trainings will be well appreciated, when experience on the job is rated above just training which is a critical success factor.

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